The White Paper published by the International Confederation of Crédit Agricole (CICA) in November is intended to be a contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals for more resilient and better protected agriculture in the face of climatic hazards.
Since its creation in 1950, the International Confederation of Crédit Agricole (CICA) organizes each year a Congress, now called Rencontres. It is an opportunity to present studies and exchange views on subjects of common interest to the heads of banking and financial institutions members of the Confederation.
These Meetings take place on all continents in order to offer members access to other countries and agricultural, banking and cultural realities.
On the occasion of the 6th World Congress on Agricultural and Rural Finance held on November 12 and 13 in New Delhi, CICA published The White Book of Agricultural Insurance, the fruit of 23 contributions that shed light on the challenges of agricultural insurance. Through the testimonies of different actors in all regions of the world, the White Paper aims to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, for more resilient and better protected agriculture in the face of climatic hazards. Crédit Agricole’s FARM has collaborated closely in the production of advertising, which highlights how risk management is a key condition for improving the economic, social and environmental performance of agriculture, in both the North and the South.
Download the White paper here.