Million € grant to strengthen agricultural value chains
Geographic areas: Africa, Asia and the Middle East

At the end of 2020, the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation was selected as one of the impact investors in charge of implementing the Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling Programme (SSNUP).

The Foundation has been given a budget to launch technical assistance missions for microfinance institutions and enterprises that support smallholder farmers.

SSNUP finances its first agricultural project in Senegal
Created in 2013, SFA produces white rice from paddy grown by small producers in the Senegal River Valley. SSNUP strengthens the support to producers through a technical assistant mission with a budget of €11,000.
SSNUP supports cacao cooperatives in Ivory Coast
Created in 2012, Advans CI is the first financial institution to provide access to input credit to cocoa cooperatives in Ivory Coast. It received a grant from SSNUP to support cocoa cooperatives in improving the level of repayment of member producers.

Founded in 2016, AFC is a small financial institution with big ambitions to develop additional financial services for customers at the bottom of the pyramid, with a particular focus on smallholders.
SSNUP is strengthening its support, through a technical assistant mission with a budget of €150,014.