The Solidarity Bankers missions are skills volunteering missions offered to group employees on behalf of microfinance institutions or impact businesses, partners of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation, either on-line or on the field.
Missions to be filled

PAMF-CI : Mission to assess and strengthen the environmental risk management system
Objective of the mission:
PAMF CI’s portfolio is heavily exposed to the agricultural sector (35% of the portfolio), particularly in the north of the country, where temperatures are higher and more extreme. Rising temperatures could have a strong impact on agricultural production and therefore on the quality of PAMF CI’s portfolio.
As part of the strengthening of its activities and procedures, PAMF-CI wishes to assess its exposure to environmental risks and implement an appropriate environmental risk management policy, in particular the development of manuals, the design of a module training and the delivery of training on risks and prevention systems, aimed at key members of the institution. These environmental risks include:
- Sustainability risks weighing on clients, which may cover physical or transition risks, and therefore on the MFI;
- Possibly, risks of negative impacts from client activities, only if these impacts are significant and may generate financial or reputational risk for the MFI.
The scope of the mission of the Solidarity Banker will be adjusted according to the duration of the mission and the first exchanges with the institution.
Profile of the expert:
Please note that a selection process will take place, with interviews organised and conducted by the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation. For this mission, we are looking for an expert with the following skills:
- Experience of at least 3 years in risk functions
- Experience/skills in the field of environmental risk management
- Previous experience providing technical assistance or consultancy work in a developing country would be a plus
- Appetite for inclusive finance/sustainable finance, resulting in increased curiosity for the specificities of the sector and the desire to adapt banking standards to it
- Knowledge / Experience in the microfinance sector is a plus
- Pragmatic and rigorous
- French is mandatory
- Signature of the agreement and preparation (calls to be planned with the organisation, documents to read before the start of the mission)
- Preparation of the mission by the Solidarity Banker, PAMF-CI and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation (5 days spread over a one-month period). The selected candidate and PAMF-CI’s managers will discuss the terms of reference and adjust them together in order to best prepare the mission.
- 10 days on site, in Abidjan.
- Travels outside Abidjan may be organised by the beneficiary organisation, depending on the needs of the mission, to visit agencies outside the capital.
- Sending of the mission deliverables by the Solidarity Banker within two weeks after the field mission.
Contact and information:
If you are interested by the mission, please send your resumee to Maria FRANCO ( You can also contact us for further information on the mission or on the scheme.
Current missions

PAMF – CI: Mission to assess and strengthen the AML-FT scheme
Objective of the mission:
As part of strengthening its activities and procedures, PAMF-CI wishes to implement an appropriate policy to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, including the development of manuals and the design of a module training and the delivery of training on AML-FT risks and prevention systems for key members of the institution.

COMUBA – Mission to evaluate and strengthen the system for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing (LCB-FT)
Objective of the mission:
As part of the strengthening of its activities and procedures, COMUBA wishes to implement an adapted policy to combat money laundering and terrorist financing with the updating of the AML/CFT manual, the development of mapping AML/CFT risks and the provision of training on AML/CFT risks and prevention systems for key members of the institution.

COMUBA – Mission to establish a staff evaluation system and a career management plan
Objective of the mission:
Today, COMUBA has a Human Resources Department, within the Administration, Accounting and Finance Department. This service is made up of two agents: The Head of Department of Accounting, Administration and Finance and the Human Resources Manager. The institution also has a job description manual and a human resources management manual as well as a remuneration protocol. However, COMUBA lacks a formalized staff evaluation system as well as a career management plan that would allow the institution to exploit the skills and potential of its employees, while identifying and satisfying their expectations.
The mission aims at:
- Developing a staff evaluation system and a career management plan;
- Training members of the HR Department and all employees responsible for personnel evaluation and career management on the new tools that will be implemented;
- Making general recommendations to COMUBA on its human resources management system, tools and procedures in place.

Univerdsal Credit – Strengthening of risk management framework
Objective of the mission:
Sustainability of the organisation is key to Universal Credit’s ability to achieve its vision and mission and continue to do so over the long-term. As such, the institution wished to improve its Risk Management processes to proactively identify any potential and significant risk to the organisation’s existence.
The objectives and scope of the mission of the Solidarity Bankers listed below can be adjusted according to the profile of the expert and his / her recommendations on how to obtain the best results.

MLF Zambia – Diagnosis and formulation of recommendations on risk management and compliance practices
Objective of the mission:
Sustainability of the organisation is key to MLF Zambia’s ability to achieve its vision and mission and continue to do so over the long-term. As such, MLF Zambia wishes to reinforce its compliance department and strengthen its Risk Management structures to proactively identify any potential and significant risks to the organisation’s existence.
The key objective of this assignment is to conduct a review of MLF Zambia operational and financial environment, identify key risks, and assess whether the existing Compliance and Risk Management approach, structures, and monitoring mechanisms adequately address the organisation’s risks.
The objectives and scope of the mission of the Solidarity Bankers can be adjusted according to the profile of the expert and his / her recommendations on how to obtain the best results.

Hekima – Digitization of internal processes
Objective of the mission:
As part of its development, Hekima implements processes to improve its business. With the ever-changing needs of its clients, the institution is continually looking for new and better ways to serve them. It is in a context of global digital transformation that Hekima wishes to define and implement a project to digitize its internal processes (HR, credit, savings, outstanding payments, other processes, etc.).
Indeed, if some organisations are already using new technologies to increase their commercial performance and accelerate growth (creation of a website, use of a CRM, etc.), it is indeed all the working methods that need to be redesigned to improve the employee experience and increase productivity.
Initially, the project to digitize internal processes wishes to address two priority topics:
- automation of integrated payroll management using ODOO software
- the digitization of the employee experience and the adaptation of workspaces
The objectives and scope of the mission of the Solidarity Bankers may be modified.
Profile of the expert :
Please note that a selection process will take place, with interviews organised and conducted by the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation. For this mission, we are looking for an expert with the following skills:
- Experience in managing IT projects and ideally in digitalization projects
- Good understanding of the challenges, existing solutions and innovations for the digitalization of financial institutions
- Ability to provide clear explanations, simplify technical terms and train users
- Interest for topics related to inclusive / sustainable finance and the specificities of the sector
- To be a force for bringing forward proposals
- Pragmatic and rigorous
- French is mandatory
- Signature of the agreement and preparation (calls to be planned with the organisation, documents to read before the start of the mission)
- Preparation of the mission by the Solidarity Banker, Hekima and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation (5 days spread over a one-month period). The selected candidate and Hekima’s managers will discuss the terms of reference and adjust them together in order to best prepare the mission.
- Field mission by the Solidarity Banker (10 days).
- Sending of the mission deliverables by the Solidarity Banker within two weeks after the field mission.
Contact and information:
If you are interested by the mission, please send your resumee to Maria FRANCO ( You can also contact us for further information on the mission or on the scheme.

Hekima – Design of a new microcredit loan product
Objective of the mission:
As part of its development, Hekima implements processes to improve its business. With the ever-changing needs of its clients, the institution is continually looking for new and better ways to serve them. It is within this context that Hekima wishes to develop new services and loan products that meet the needs of its customers.
To stand out from the competition, Hekima seeks to offer its customers services or products with real added value.
Exploiting the potential offered by new technologies could also make it possible to optimize the management of internal operational processes and simplify the credits offered.
Technological and digital innovations must, as far as possible, be integrated into the reflection on the development of a new innovative product or service for Hekima, and in particular:
- Multi-channel, which makes it possible to process customer requests through different access channels and means of communication;
- The digital signature as well as the exchange of dematerialized documents;
- Scoring tools using augmented intelligence technology to accurately assess the quality of borrowers;
- Technological solutions, such as chatbots, …
The objectives and scope of the mission of the Solidarity Bankers may be modified.
Please note that this mission can possibly be carried out in pairs in order to have the most complete profile and to carry out the mission in the best suitable way.

Mi Bospo – Drafting of the institution’s digital strategy
Objective of the mission:
As part of its development, Mis Bospo requested the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation, of which it has been a partner since 2018, to assess its processes related to the digitization and optimisation of the organisational structure and new technologies and to draft its new digital strategy, including a detailed action plan
The objectives and scope of the Solidarity Bankers’ mission listed below may be adjusted according to the profile of the expert and her / his recommendations on how to obtain the best results.
Profile of the expert :
Please note that a selection process will take place, with interviews organised and conducted by the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation. For this mission, we are looking for an expert with the following skills:
- At least three years experience in IT project management and ideally in digitalisation projects
- Good understanding of the challenges, existing solutions and innovations for the digitalisation of financial institutions
- Capacity to provide clear explanations and simplify technical terms, and to train users
- Appetite for questions related to social entrepreneurship and / or microfinance
- Pragmatic and rigorous
- Fluency in English is mandatory, knowledge of Serbo-Croatian is a plus.
- Signature of the agreement and preparation (calls to be planned with the organisation, documents to read before the start of the mission)
- Preparation of the mission by the Solidarity Banker, Mi Bospo and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation (5 days spread over a one-month period). The selected candidate and Mi Bospo’s managers will discuss the terms of reference and adjust them together in order to best prepare the mission.
- Field mission by the Solidarity Banker (10 days).
- Sending of the mission deliverables by the Solidarity Banker within two weeks after the field mission.
Contact and information:
If you are interested by the mission, please send your resumee to Maria FRANCO ( You can also contact us for further information on the mission or on the scheme.

Hekima – Implementation of the social impact measurement process based on the Poverty Probability Index (PPI)
Objective of the mission:
As part of its development, Hekima implements processes to improve its business. The institution is continually looking for new and better ways to contribute to poverty reduction. It is in this context that Hekima wishes to develop and implement a process for measuring its social impact on poverty.
The PPI (Poverty Probability Index) methodology was chosen by Hekima to measure its social impact.
The PPI is a poverty measurement tool for organisations whose mission is to serve vulnerable people. The PPI is a statistically reliable and easy-to-use tool: answers to 10 questions about household characteristics and asset ownership are scored to calculate the likelihood of the household living below the poverty line. By using such a statistical tool over time, Hekima will be able to assess the level of poverty of its clients and its evolution over time. Thus, Hekima will be able to integrate objective data on poverty in its assessments, its strategic decision-making and its communication with various stakeholders.
The objectives and scope of the Solidarity Bankers’ mission listed below may be adjusted according to the profile of the expert and her / his recommendations on how to obtain the best results.

SFA – Mission to make a diagnosis of the existing communication and marketing strategy and market study for the implementation of appropriate strategies
Objective of the mission:
As part of the development of its activities, SFA wishes to evaluate and improve its communication and marketing policy and strategy. The institution aims to develope its offer, expand its clientele and gain visibility through its products, with an appropriate positioning of these. To do this, SFA wishes to explore and maximize the use of social and traditional media, develop its institutional communication, better market its products and train its staff, but also improve its branding and its institutional positioning.
The objectives and scope of the mission of the Solidarity Bankers can be adjusted according to the profile of the expert and his/her recommendations on how to obtain the best results.

Guilgal – Evaluation and strengthening of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing scheme (LCB-FT)
Objective of the mission:
As part of the strengthening of its activities and procedures, the Microfinance Company GUILGAL wishes to implement an appropriate policy to fight against money laundering and terrorist financing with the development of manuals and the facilitation of training on the risks and the LCB-FT prevention systems for key members of the institution.
Missions carried out

UNACREP – Strengthening of the HR function and setting up of an employee satisfaction survey scheme
Objective of the mission:
As part of its operational organization, UNACREP has identified the need to improve its HR policy by:
- strengthening the internal training programme for employees and members of governance;
- strengthening the performance evaluation system for staff other than branch heads and loan officers;
- by setting up staff satisfaction surveys in order to better understand their expectations and needs. This could be coupled with the establishment of a formalised personnel evaluation system as well as a career management plan in order to exploit the skills and potential of employees, while identifying and satisfying their expectations.
Consequently, UNACREP wishes to benefit from the support of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation to strengthen its training system and develop employees evaluation and satisfaction procedures, in line with its needs.

UNACREP – Strengthening of the HR function and development of a team training programme
Objective of the mission:
As part of its operational organization, UNACREP has identified the need to improve its HR policy by:
- strengthening the internal training programme for employees and members of governance;
- strengthening the performance evaluation system for staff other than branch heads and loan officers;
- by setting up staff satisfaction surveys in order to better understand their expectations and needs. This could be coupled with the establishment of a formalised personnel evaluation system as well as a career management plan in order to exploit the skills and potential of employees, while identifying and satisfying their expectations.
Consequently, UNACREP wishes to benefit from the support of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation to strengthen its training system and develop employees evaluation and satisfaction procedures, in line with its needs.

KOMIDA – Strengthening of risk management framework
Objective of the mission:
The Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation has been supporting KOMIDA since 2010. Established in 2004 and registered as a cooperative, KOMIDA is a Tier 1 microfinance institution (portfolio above USD 100 mln) that provides financial assistance through loans and savings as well as non-financial services (such as trainings) to its members. As of Dec-22, the cooperative has 4,800 employees and a network of 305 branches across Java, North Sumatera, Sulawesi Islands and Nusa Tenggara provinces. It manages a portfolio of EUR 130 mln and serves 798,536 active borrowers, exclusively women living mostly in rural areas (96%).
Since the implementation of a Risk division in Sep-19, KOMIDA has reinforced its risk management framework with the formalisation of a dedicated policy, including a risk mapping analysis. Still, given its significant and growing size, the cooperative is willing to benefit from external expertise in risk management area in order to improve identification and analysis of risks with complementary methodologies and tools.

COFINA Holding – Assessment of risk management procedures and implementation of ISO 31000 standards
Objective of the mission:
As part of the strengthening of its activities and its procedures, COFINA Group wishes to implement an appropriate risk management policy with, in particular, the development of procedures relating to the principles and guidelines of risk management. This policy specifically covers the ISO 31000 standards, risk management standards codified by the International Organisation for Standardisation.
The objective of the mission is to allow:
- Analyse the internal context (internal procedures, etc.) in order to assess the effectiveness of the organisational framework (internal to COFINA);
- Make amendments (if necessary) to existing procedures in terms of risk management and management by implementing ISO 31000 standards, which is a reference guide for risk management in companies, regardless of size, activity or sector.
- Reinforce internal collaborators on the ISO 31000 standard to better orient them towards the identification of potential risks, and allow them to determine which risks are essential to achieve the primary objectives before the risks affect the operational activities while keeping the other risks under control.

COFINA Holding – Mission on team management and leadership
Objective of the mission:
As part of its operational organisation, the COFINA Group has identified the need to implement a team management and leadership policy. Consequently, COFINA wished to benefit from the support of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation to develop a team management and leadership strategy, in line with its needs. The objectives and scope of the mission of the Solidarity Bankers listed below can be adjusted according to the profile of the expert and his / her recommendations to obtain the best results.

RENACA – Mission to reinforce cybersecurity within the framework of digital transformation
Objective of the mission:
For several years now, RENACA has launched the implementation of a vast digital finance project. This project is structured around three phases:
- Development of a mobile collection app for its field agents to allow them carry out operations (savings, tontine, loan repayment) in the field;
- Offer of disbursement and reimbursement services for customers through an electronic wallet in USSD technology with a telecom operator;
- Establishment of a network of third-party agents and an internet application offering various digital products and services.
To date, the first two phases have been finalised or are in the process of being finalised. It is within the framework of the finalisation of this second phase that RENACA wishes to carry out a diagnosis of the system developed and plans to make the relevant adjustments in terms of cyber security.

LAPO – Mission to restructure and update Lapo’s human resources strategy and policy
Objective of the mission:
Following the development of cash flow based individual lending methodology by the credit consultants in LAPO, there was need to restructure the organisation especially to split credit from deposits/operations. This work needs now to be completed through the restructuring and updating of the institution’s human resources strategy and policy.

GRAINE – Mission to design the communication and marketing strategy and policy
Objective of the mission:
As part of the development of its activities, GRAINE Sarl wishes to evaluate and improve its communication and marketing policy. The institution aims to expand its clientele and gain visibility in the Burkinabe microfinance environment. To do so, GRAINE wants to explore and maximise the use of social and traditional media, better market its offer and train its staff.

VisionFund Senegal – Mission to evaluate, update and / or implement the communication and marketing policy
Objective of the mission:
As part of the development of its activities, VisionFund Senegal wishes to evaluate and improve its communication and marketing policy. The institution aims to expand its clientele and gain visibility in the Senegalese microfinance environment, in particular by analysing its competitive advantages. To do so, VisionFund Senegal wishes to explore and maximise the use of social and traditional media, develop its institutional communication, better brand its products and train its staff, but also improve in the near future the branding of its agencies and advanced points.

ACFB – Implementation of a staff evaluation system and a career management plan (Benin)
Objective of the mission:
The Association des Caisses de Financement à la Base (ACFB) is a microfinance institution created in 1995 as a project of the local NGO GRAPAD. Its mission is to offer quality financial and non-financial services to the active, economically weak, and mainly female populations with a view to their promotion.
Today, ACFB has a Human Resources Department, within the General Administration Service, composed of two agents: an HR Monitoring Officer, promoted in 2019 to prepare the retirement of the former Monitoring Officer, and an Assistant. The institution also has a human resources management manual, HR management tools and software to manage salaries. However, ACFB lacks a formalized staff evaluation system and a career management plan to harness the skills and potential of its staff, while identifying and meeting their expectations.

AFK – Strengthening of operation risks management mission
Objectives of the mission:
AFK aims to improve living conditions in Kosovo by providing access to sustainable financial services to small and micro enterprises. As of December 2021, the organisation has 24 branches across Kosovo and 225 employees. It serves 20,733 active borrowers (23% women and 50% in rural areas) and manages a portfolio of 40.2 million euros.
AFK has developed a risk policy focused on credit risk while the other risk areas are managed by each department without a formalized framework. Given its growing size, the institution would like to structure a proper risk management framework to improve identification and analysis of risks, especially operational risks. The Solidarity Banker has been responsible for supporting AFK in the diagnosis of the procedure and tools to manage risks and more precisely operational risks.

ACRE – Marketing and Communication Strategy
Objective of the mission:
Launched in 2014, ACRE is one of the pioneer of the microinsurance sector in Eastern Africa. Based in Kenya but also operating in about five other countries, it offers crop insurance services to smallholder farmers. ACRE decided in 2018 to diversify its activities to offer advisory services, mainly to international development organisations and insurance players. ACRE is also developing fintech services. Acre wishes to improve its communication and marketing strategy.
ACRE needs to extend its customer base and brand its new range of services and activities. The organisation wishes to explore and maximise the use of social and traditional media, train its staff, and maximise its business outreach. ACRE’s target institutions are banks, insurers, NGOs and DFIs in Africa and internationally.
The objectives and scope of the Solidarity Bankers mission listed below may be adjusted based on the profile of the expert and his/her recommendation on how to achieve the best results.
- Make a diagnosis of ACRE’s marketing and communication strategy and tools
- Propose strategy and tools to analyse the market and the media, especially in the digital field

PPSE – Communication & Marketing Strategy mission (Cambodia)
Objectives of the mission:
PPSE needs to extend its digital community and brand its new range of services and activities. The organisation wishes to explore and maximise the use of social and traditional media, train its staff, and maximise its business outreach. PPSE targets tourism and entertainment actors, advertising and creative agencies, music actors, PPSE’s friends, education and NGO. The objectives and scope of the Solidarity Bankers mission listed below may be adjusted based on the profile of the expert and his/her recommendation on how to achieve the best results.

Annapurna – Development of sustainability performance target (India)
Objectives of the mission:
Annapurna Finance is already engaged in various initiatives aiming at fostering the impact and sustainability of the services provided to its clients. The institution decided to define more specifically areas of impact, indicators and quantitative targets so that to measure the progress done towards sustainable development.

OXUS Kyrgyzstan – Digital Strategy mission
Objectives of the mission:
OXUS Kyrgyzstan provides loans under the individual methodology. As of December 2020, the institution serves 8,000 active borrowers (48% women and 62% in rural areas) and manages a portfolio of €6.4 million. It is operating in 2 largest cities (Bishkek and Osh) and 3 out of 7 regions through a network of 14 branches, and 125 employees. The average outstanding loan is €798.
GCAF will increase its support to OKG throug a project management and digitalisation mission.

BIMAS – AML-FT mission (Kenya)
Objectives of the mission:
BIMAS Kenya Ltd is a reputable and growing tier 2 Microfinance Institution registered in Kenya as a limited liability company. The company provides financial services particularly credit to micro entrepreneurs through group-based and individual lending methodologies. The overall objective of BIMAS is to realize sustained economic growth and employment in the rural sector resulting in enhanced social welfare and increased income of the rural population in Kenya. As at October 2021, BIMAS has an outstanding loan portfolio of €7.8 million, with 18,970 active borrowers.
GCAF increased its support to BIMAS through a compliance mission.

Laiterie du Berger – Finance & Governance (Senegal)
Objectives of the mission:
The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation has been a partner of La Laiterie du Berger (LdB) since 2010. It is a social enterprise created in 2006 by Bagore Bathily. LDB fights against poverty by building a local dairy chain (from production to distribution) in harmony with the environment, and thus promoting healthy food for as many people as possible.
The selected Solidarity Banker has been responsible for supporting Bagore Bathily in the structuring of this financing and in the reflection on the governance to be implemented in order to ensure the development of LDB.

Assilassimé – AML/CFT (Togo)
The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation has been supporting Assilassimé Solidarité, a microfinance institution in Togo, since 2018. Assilassimé Solidarité targets people excluded from the traditional microfinance offer.
The Solidarity Banker will have the following objectives:
- Analysis of the environment, the regulatory framework, the AML-CFT risks that Assilassimé Solidarité faces and the mitigation measures in place;
- Updating of the AML-CFT procedure and revision of training modules;
- Animation of a training course on the risks and prevention systems AML-CFT.
Solidarity Banker:
The expert is an employee of the Crédit Agricole group with experience / expertise in the following areas:
- At least 2 years of experience in compliance / internal audit functions
- Appetite for inclusive finance / sustainable finance, resulting in an increased curiosity for the specificities of the sector and the desire to adapt banking standards to them
- Knowledge / Experience in the microfinance sector is a plus
- Pragmatic and rigorous

OSHUN – Logistics / purchasing (France – Senegal)
Oshun offers inclusive solutions to provide access to clean water for the most vulnerable populations while encouraging the development of a virtuous local community ecosystem. The company stands out for its innovations in rural development, connectivity and water treatment. The aim of the Solidarity Banker’s mission is to support Oshun Senegal in setting up procedures to simplify and secure logistics, purchasing and supply management, and to strengthen the staff concerned.
Solidarity banker:
The beneficiary organisation is based in Senegal but its headquarters are located in Le Tholonet (France):
- Remote (1/2 day per week for 2 months for a total of 4 days remote)
- In France to Le Tholonet for visiting the Oshun headquarters (1 day)
- In Senegal at Dakar (4 days) and at Thiès (1 day, 1.5 hours drive from Dakar), context permitting (5 days)

Salym – Social and environmental Performance
Salym Finance is a microfinance institution that provides affordable lending and attracting time deposits to support revenue-generating activities and improve living standards of low-income populations. The organisation has 23 branches across Kyrgyzstan and about 180 employees. Currently, it manages a portfolio of €24 million and serves more than 18,000 clients, of whom 52% are women and 70% live in rural areas.
In the framework of Solidarity Bankers by CA, GCAF will grant additional support to Salym Finance through a technical assistance mission carried on by one expert from Crédit Agricole.
Solidarity Banker:
The Solidarity Banker is a Crédit Agricole staff, willing to engage in the “Solidarity Bankers by CA” programme, with the following expertise / experience:
- Expertise in social and environmental performance management
- High proficiency in English is required. Proficiency in Russian would be an advantage
- Knowledge of Central Asia is an asset
- Previous experience in microfinance would be appreciated
- Previous experience in technical assistance or advisory work in a developing country would be helpful

Lazika – Marketing
Lazika Capital is a microfinance institution created in 2000 by Oxfam Great Britain to facilitate access to financial services for low and middle income entrepreneurs. It is headquartered in Zugdidi and provides financial services to people on low incomes, smallholder farmers and micro entrepreneurs. The company operates through 18 branches in western Georgia. At the end of February 2021, Lazika had 14 046 clients, including 50% of women and 76% living in rural areas, for a total outstanding portfolio of €13 801 615.
Within the framework of the Solidarity Bankers’ programme, the Foundation granted additional support to Lazika Capital through a technical assistance mission carried on by twi experts from Crédit Agricole in the marketing field.

Faten – Financial Management (Palestine)
FATEN is a microfinance institution whose mission is to serve the financial services needs of low- and middle-income Palestinian entrepreneurs and individuals. The mission of the Solidarity Banker will be to support the financial department in the update of financial procedures, policies and tools, to provide insights and training for alignment of financial reporting with international financial standards and to provide analytical tools and know-hows on cost allocation and profit generation per operational unit.
Solidarity Banker:
The expert is Credit Agricole Staff with the following expertise/experience:
- Expertise in financial analysis
- Knowledge of the International Financial Reporting Standards and in particular the latest changes on IFRS 16 and IFRS 9
- High proficiency in English is required
- Previous experience in technical assistance or advisory work in a developing country would be helpful.

SMART Crédit – Digital Strategy (Moldova)
Objectives of the mission:
Smart Credit is a microfinance institution created in 2010 by five local professionals. It operates throughout the country with a particular focus on the central and western regions of Moldova, through a network of eight branches and 42 employees. The online Solidarity Bankers mission allowed to evaluate the company’s digital strategy and to draw up an action plan for the implementation of a new digital strategy.

Laiterie du Berger – Digital management tool (Senegal)
Support Kossam, a subsidiary of Laiterie du Berger, in setting up a digital tool for managing stores in the bush and preparing for the company’s future developments.
Solidarity banker:
Haoly Basse from Crédit Agricole CIB
Results of the mission:
The Solidarity banker has prepared the specifications for the implementation of the management tool, supported the provider selection process and established control procedures and plans.

PPSE – Fundraising (Cambodia)
Phare Performing Social Enterprise (PPSE) is a Cambodian social enterprise established in 2013 that produces circus shows and which recently launched an animation and graphics studio. PPSE employs art graduates from PPSA, a non-profit organisation that supports disadvantaged children and youth.
An online Solidarity Bankers mission will aim to consolidate PPSE’s new business plan (developed due to the Covid-19 crisis) and to support the equity raise and merger process. The mission is scheduled for the last quarter of the year.

OSHUN – HR Strategy (Senegal)
Oshun proposes inclusive solutions allowing the most sensitive populations access to water while promoting the establishment of a virtuous and community-based local ecosystem. The company distinguishes itself by its innovations in terms of rural development, connectivity and water treatment.
The Solidarity banker’s mission will be to assist Oshun Senegal with the following objectives: organization and training of the team, definition and mastery of HR rules and processes and implementation of monitoring tools.

OXUS – Guarantees Assessment (Tajikistan)
OXUS Tajikistan is a microfinance institution that has focused on interventions in rural areas where more than 80% of its clients live and work, providing individual and group loans. To date, almost 50% of the clients use their loans for livestock and horticulture.
The Solidarity banker’s mission will be to analyse the existing guarantees assessment, to develop a new methodology and to train managers at headquarter.

SFA – Management information system (Senegal)
The Sénégalaise des Filières Alimentaires (SFA) is a social enterprise for the promotion and marketing of local rice in Senegal. In order to improve production conditions, technical and financial monitoring of producers, and its industrial activity, SFA wishes to develop an application for its local teams.
Solidarity banker:
Michèle Kouam of Crédit Agricole S.A.
Result of the mission:
The Solidarity banker carried out an inventory of the existing infrastructure and issued recommendations for the implementation of management information system.

Musoni – Strategic planning (Kenya)
Musoni is a microfinance institution (MFI) providing financial services via mobile payments. To strengthen its performance management processes, Musoni wants to implement a balanced scorecard methodology as a strategic planning and performance management system.
Solidarity banker:
Eva Hoglund of Crédit Agricole S.A.
Result of the mission:
A balanced scorecard methodology has been developed to establish a strategic planning and performance management system.

KMF – Portfolio diversification (Kazakhstan)
KMF is the largest microfinance institution in Kazakhstan. The institution requested the assistance of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation to structure and diversify its agricultural loan portfolio, which is currently concentrated in cattle breeding. In addition, KMF would like to receive advice on developing non-financial services for agricultural loan clients.
Solidarity bankers:
Olivier Gaubert of Credit Agricole S.A. and Vasyl Bielozerskykh of Credit Agricole Ukraine
Result of the mission:
The Solidarity bankers provided KMF with avenues for development in order to diversify its portfolio while offering new non-financial products designed to support the development of its clients.

PPSE – Financial Management (Cambodia)
The creation and start-up phase of FSDP from 2013 to 2018 has been very successful. The company has now entered a growth phase, and the Solidarity Banker’s mission was to help FSDP strengthen and train the top manager to enable him to adapt to its new phase of growth.
Solidarity banker:
Dominique Rombczyk ose Crédit Agricole Val de France
Result of the mission:
Training was provided to the Chief Financial Officer and her entire team to develop the skills of the finance team at all levels of responsibility, since they can all contribute important information and data to this process.

ACRE – Strategic planning (Kenya)
ACRE, a Kenyan social enterprise in which the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation is a shareholder, has recently changed its business model and undertaken a cost-cutting plan. The Solidarity banker’s mission was to analyse ACRE’s current situation and make recommendations on the company’s strategy.
Solidarity banker:
Bruno Lepoivre of PACIFICA (Crédit Agricole Assurances)
Results of the mission:
A diagnosis and a series of recommendations on ACRE’s economic model and new strategy have been drawn up by the Solidarity Banker.

Palmis Enèji – Business & Fundraising strategy (Haiti)
After doubling its turnover, regularizing its bad debts and restricting credit sales, Palmis wants to structure a five-year business plan. The Solidarity banker’s mission was to draw up a business plan and make recommendations for raising funds for the company.
Solidarity banker:
Caman Kamougue from Crédit Agricole CIB
Result of the mission:
The Solidarity banker recommended that Palmis focus on the voluntary carbon trading market, a mechanism whereby project owners can sell verified emission reductions (VERs) to clients wishing to reduce their carbon footprint.

Chamroeun – Human Resources (Cambodia)
Contribute to the organizational restructuring of Chamroeun and to the improvement of its HR management; make an assessment of existing HR tools and procedures; propose a 2-year HR strategy; contribute to the development of new HR tools and procedures; propose ways to promote leadership within the organization.
Solidarity banker:
François Galland of the Crédit Agricole’s BPI
Result of the mission:
The 2-year HR strategy proposed by the Solidarity banker has been formalised and validated by the beneficiary organisation.

Laiterie du Berger – Business & Strategy (Senegal)
Participate in the construction of the operational framework allowing the passage from experimentation to the deployment of 15 pilot mini-farms; make an inventory of the existing situation; define the conditions of success of the business model of the “mini-farm”; estimate the needs for the deployment Phase 1 (15 mini-farms).
Solidarity banker:
Jonathan Michaud of Crédit Agricole Franche Comté
Result of the mission:
The Dairy’s livestock development plan is formalised. Supported by CA Franche Comté, the Solidarity Banker left for 2 years to support KOSSAM, a Dairy project which aims at structuring the milk sector in Senegal.

Partner – IT Strategy (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Partner Microcredit Foundation is a microcredit organization that provides financial services to low-income populations. The institution mainly targets entrepreneurs and rural populations and promotes women’s empowerment through entrepreneurship.
The Banker has made an assessment of the existing IT infrastructure and develop guidelines for a 3 to 5 year IT investment plan.

Al Karama – AML/FT (Morocco)
Al Karama is a Moroccan microfinance institution that provides loans for the development of professional activities, especially among low-income women. The institution wishes to strengthen its procedures against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML/FT), within the framework of funding granted by the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation and Crédit du Maroc.
Solidarity banker:
Sarah Belbachir of Crédit Agricole SA
Results of the mission:
The LCB-FT training modules for front-line staff and an action plan for the implementation of a solid LCB-BT system were produced by the Solidarity banker.

Humo – Innovation strategy (Tajikistan)
After overcoming the last crisis, Humo strengthens its positioning and launches new products and services. Humo is also facing a competitive environment that integrates more digital models. The mission of the Solidarity Banker was help the institution to optimise the business model and the organisational structure by relying on innovative approaches and the contribution of new technologies.
Solidarity banker:
Julien Leroy of Crédit Agricole CIB
Result of the mission:
The Solidarity banker supported the HUMO management team in optimising its organisational model. He also worked with the management team to develop various strategic options to accelerate HUMO’s growth, in a model that optimises the contribution of digital technology and the human factor.

OXUS – Marketing (Kyrgyzstan)
OXUS Kyrgyzstan is a microfinance institution that provides financial services to people with limited access to banking services in Kyrgyzstan. The institution has more than 7,000 active borrowers with a portfolio worth €6.6 million.
The Solidarity Banker’s mission will be to accompany OXUS in the production of a marketing plan and a customer loyalty programme.