
Financing granted
Loan of €766,000 *
(equivalent in local currency)
Foundation partner
since 2021
*Outstanding amount at grant value
Partner website

Kenya is a middle-income country. Agriculture is very important, as the livestock sector accounts for nearly 10% of GDP and supports some 1.8 million people. The tea industry generates about US$1.5 billion and Kenya is the world’s leading exporter of black tea.
The Institution:
Yehu is a microfinance institution whose mission is to combat poverty by empowering poor rural entrepreneurs in Kenya to help lift themselves out of poverty through enhanced accessibility to sustainable financial services. This includes enabling them to save and earn interest while giving them access to micro-loans, which can be used to start or expand their small businesses. Yehu also provides some business training, micro-insurance and other services to improve the lives of its members.
Yehu works on becomig the preferred MFI in rural Kenya with a strong social vision of empowering the socio-economically marginalised. The institution offers loans mainly in the agricultural field but it also offers working capital for starting or expanding business as well as purchase of business assets or loans to finance education expenses, among other finacial products provided.