
Financial services

Financing granted

Loan of €1.4 million *
(equivalent in local currency)

Foundation partner

since 2017

*Outstanding amount at grant value
Partner website


Georgia today has a market economy, open to foreign countries in terms of imports, exports and investments. The primary sector remains a minority industry in the country’s GDP. However, one of the flagships of Georgian agriculture is winemaking, which is an exporting industry and source of foreign exchange.

The Institution:

Lazika Capital is a Tier 2 microfinance institution created in 2000 by Oxfam Great Britain to facilitate the access for low and middle income entrepreneurs to financial services adapted to their needs. Lazika Capital offers financing according to the individual loan methodology.


Lazika Capital’s lending strategy stimulates the legalization and institutionalization of entrepreneurship, particularly in rural areas, with a high concentration of informal income-generating activities and bridge arrangements that are adapted to SME standards.
