
Financial services

Funding granted

Loan of €400,000 *
(Local currency equivalent)

Partner of the Foundation

since 2018

*Outstanding amount at grant value
Partner website


Togo has significant agricultural potential, which represents 28% of the country’s GDP and employs 62.5% of the active population (ILOSTAT), despite this, the sector remains under-exploited.

The Institution:

Association launched by the NGO Entrepreneurs du Monde in 2012, ASSILASSIME SOLIDARITE develops microfinance activities with the Togolese population. It aims to fight against poverty and the stigmatization of poor people by working for their socio-economic integration.


ASSILASSIME SOLIDARITE’s mission is to provide sustainable access to social microfinance services adapted for people experiencing exclusion or extreme poverty, with limited access to the traditional microfinance system in Togo, to enable them to carry out income-generating activities and improve their living conditions.


Photos galery
