The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors composed of 12 members, elected for three years. Chaired by Raphaël Appert, its directors include representatives of the Crédit Agricole Group, representatives of Grameen Trust and qualified representatives.

Raphaël APPERT [Board's Chairman] Crédit Agricole Representative
Mohammad SHAHJAHAN [Board's Vice-Chairman] Grameen Trust Representative
Miren BENGOA Independent Director
Eric CAMPOS Crédit Agricole Representative
Tasmina RAHMAN Grameen Trust Representative
Sylvie LEMMET Independent Director
Soukeyna N'DIAYE Independent Director
Jean-Marie SANDER Crédit Agricole Representative
Professeur YUNUS Grameen Trust Representative
Nicolas MAURE Crédit Agricole Representative
Pierre FORT Crédit Agricole Representative
Tanguy CLAQUIN Crédit Agricole Representative
Marc Elvinger Independent Director

Chaired by Pierre Fort , the Committee reviews and approves investment files. It also monitors the Foundation's activity and gives its opinion on the annual development plan. Consisting of three directors, an independent expert who joined the Committee in 2019, and the Managing Director, it meets once a month.

Pierre FORT [Committee's Chairman] Crédit Agricole Representative
Véronique FAUJOUR Managing Director
Mohammad SHAHJAHAN [Board's Vice-Chairman] Grameen Trust Representative
Nicolas Mauré Crédit Agricole Representative
Etienne VIARD Independent expert

Chaired by Tanguy Claquin, the Committee ensures compliance with the LCB-FT policy, the proper functioning of the internal control system, as well as compliance with the Ethics Charter and the Code of Conduct. Consisting of two directors and an independent external controller, it meets on average three times a year.

Tanguy CLAQUIN [Committee's Chairman] Independent Director
Eric CAMPOS Crédit Agricole Representative
Bernard FOUQUET Independent expert
Sylvie Lemmet [Committee Chairman] Independent Director
Jean-Marie SANDER Crédit Agricole Representative

Chaired by Sylvie Lemet, the committee oversees the Foundation's financial performance, risk management and social and environmental impact.

Sylvie Lemmet [Committee Chairman] Independent Director
Eric Campos Crédit Agricole Representative
Tanguy CLAQUIN Independent Director
Miren Bengoa Independent Director
Mohammad Shahjahan Grameen Trust Representative

A professional team

Under the direction of Véronique Faujour, the Foundation's team is organised around 3 units. Besides its over twenty employees based in France, the Foundation has a local presence with representatives in West and East Africa.

Véronique FAUJOUR Managing Director
Vincent BROUSSEAU Head of customer development and innovation
Philippe GUICHANDUT General Secretary
Sarah CANETTI Administrative & Financial Director
Edouard SERS Head of Risks and Impact

Headed by Vincent Brousseai, this unit is in charge of prospecting, financial and social analysis and monitoring of partners financed by the Foundation.

Vincent BROUSSEAU Head of customer development and innovation
Maxime BORGOGNO Global Relationship Manager – Europe & Asia
Khady FALL Global customer relations advisor
Kathrin GERNER Global customer relations advisor
Robin LAVRILLOUX Financing Team Manager
Julien LEROY Technical Assistance Program Manager
Cécile POCHET Investment Manager
Pardis MIKAILI Junior Investment Officer
Hanadi Tutunji Technical Assistance Program Manager
Maria Franco Technical Assistance Programme Manager
Maya AZCONA Technical Assistance Program Manager

Headed by Edouard Sers, this unit is responsible for investment, non-compliance and operational risk analysis. It is also in charge of measuring and monitoring the direct and indirect impact of the Foundation.

Edouard SERS Head of Risk & Impact
Pauline BLIT Risk manager
BUSATO Daniele Risk analyst
Nathalie Béguin Credit risk and compliance analyst
Dimitri Nguyen Legal Analyst and KYC
YAICI Ines Risk analyst

Headed by Philippe Guichandut, this division is in charge of coordinating the establishment of partnerships and communication.

Philippe Guichandut Secretary General
Marie Laumont Communication and partnerships manager
Kawtar NASSER-EDDINE Communication and partnerships intern

Headed by Hélène Keraudren Baube, this division is in charge of the financial and administrative management of the Foundation.

Sarah CANETTI Administrative & Financial Director
Claire LECOCQ Administrative and Financial Manager
Thierry UY TIV Assistant to the Administrative and Financial Director
Alexandre CAILLAUX Accountant