16 January 2018

From the very the first pages of their book, Matthieu Dardaillon and Jonas Guyot say: “The future belongs to those who do not resign themselves”. Still full time students in a prestigious business school, the two friends left for three years, to meet social entrepreneurs, enlightened leaders and committed citizens who use their businesses to make a difference in society.

From Europe to Asia and Africa, they speak about their discussions with these “visionaries”: Antonio Meloto, founder of Gawad Kalinga, who fights poverty in the Philippines; Bagoré Bathily, from la Laiterie du Berger in Senegal; or Arnaud Poissonnier, founder of the Babyloan microcredit network … *

From this world tour, they mainly brought back the conviction that it is always possible to act, at one’s own level and on its own way.


* La Laiterie du Berger and Babyloan are partners of the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation
Source : La Croix